Short-Term Training » Contractor Safety Training

Contractor Safety Training

As a satellite location of the Safety Council of Texas City (SCTC), SouthernTech provides site specific safety training to contract workers to work at oil refineries throughout the United States, including the Valero Ardmore Refinery. This training includes both online and instructor-led. The list and description of online training courses that are currently available can be found below.


Regular Hours of Operation:

  • Monday - Friday
  • 7:00am - 3:00pm

Contractor Safety Training - Dates Closed

View All Contractor Safety Training - Dates Closed


Valero Ardmore Refinery Site Specific (19VRARD)

  • Offered during all Contractor Safety hours of operation as listed above
  • On-site registration (In-person only)
  • 1.25 hours CBT* Presentation and Exam

Note: Both courses will only be available at Southern Tech, Ardmore during regular business hours.


Additional CBT Safety Training Available


Payment Methods Accepted

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • Personal Check
  • Cash
 Test Code  Price 
Altair Strickland Safety Training 19ALTAIR  $         35.00
Altair Strickland Hand Signal Person 19ALHSP  $         30.00
Altair Strickland Corrosion Under Insulation 19ALCUI  $         30.00
Altair Strickland Disease Outbreak Awareness 19ASDOA  $         30.00
 Test Code  Price 
BASF Level 1 - BASF Site Orientation 04BASF01  $         30.00
BASF Level 2 - BASF Freeport - Process Area Worker Training 04BASF02  $         30.00
BASF Driver - BASF Freeport - On-Site Driver Training 04BASFDR  $         20.00
BASF Safe Work Permit Acceptor Training 04BASFSW  $         30.00
 Test Code  Price 
Born Industrial LLC Employee Orientation 19BORN  $         45.00
Born Industrial LLC Safety Attendant Training 19BORNSA  $         30.00
 Test Code  Price 
Brock Group Module 1 Safety Orientation 19BSAFE  $         15.00
Brock Group Module 2 HSEQ Annual Training 19BG1YR  $         15.00
Brock Group Module 3 HSEQ Annual Training 19BG3YR  $         20.00
Brock Group Module 5 Coatings 19BGCTS  $         15.00
Brock Group Module 6 Scaffold Erectors & Dismantlers 19BGSCAF  $         15.00
Brock Group Module 7 Insulation 19BGINSU  $         15.00
Brock Group Module 1 Safety Orientation Spanish 19BSAFES  $         15.00
Brock Group Module 2 HSEQ Annual Training Spanish 19BG1YRS  $         15.00
Brock Group Module 3 HSEQ Annual Training Spanish 19BG3YRS  $         20.00
Brock Group Module 5 Coatings Spanish 19BGCTSP  $         15.00
Brock Group Module 6 Scaffold Erectors & Dismantlers Spanish 19BGSCAS  $         15.00
Brock Group Module 7 Insulation Spanish 19BGINSS  $         15.00
 Test Code  Price 
Dow SCO Basic Site Specific 08SCOSSB  $         70.00
Dow SCO Hand Held Portable Tool Standard 08SCOHHP  $         25.00
Dow SCO Hydrocarbons 23-24 Turnaround Orientation 08SCOHCP  $         25.00
Dow SCO Isolation of Energy Sources 08SCOIES  $         20.00
Dow SCO Scaffold User 08SCOSU  $         25.00
Dow SCO Three Points of Contact 08SCOPOC  $         25.00
 Test Code  Price 
Formosa Plastics Corporation Site Specific 19FPCORT  $         15.00
Formosa Plastics Corporation Cryogenic Safety Awareness 19FPCCRY  $         15.00
Formosa Plastics Corporation Chromium VI 19FPCCHR  $         20.00
Formosa Plastics  Corporation PSM Group 3 19FPCGP3  $         20.00
Formosa Plastics Corporation PSM Group 5 19FPCGP5  $         15.00
Formosa Plastics Corporation Hazardous Energy Control for Contractors 19FPCHAZ  $         15.00
Formosa Plastics Corporation Nitrogen Awareness 19FPCNIT  $         15.00
Formosa Plastics Corporation Contractor Safety Lead 19FPCSL  $         15.00
Formosa Plastics Corporation Permitting for Contractors 19FPCSWP  $         15.00
 Test Code  Price 
HollyFrontier Life Saving Principles 24HFLSP  $         40.00
HollyFrontier Site Specific Orientation – Artesia, NM 24HFNAV  $         40.00
HollyFrontier Site Orientation – Tulsa, OK *Pre-requisites: 24HFLSP and SSV* 24HFTUL  $         35.00
HollyFrontier Navajo Refinery Site-Specific 19HFNRSS  $         30.00
HollyFrontier Navajo Refinery Fire Watch and Confined Space Attendant 19HFNRFC  $         20.00
HollyFrontier Navajo HF Alky Orientation 19HFNRHF  $         20.00
HollyFrontier Site Specific Orientation – Cheyenne, WY 24HFCHY  $         35.00
 Test Code  Price 
HydroChem Adv Air Machines Part 1 12HCAAM1  $         35.00
HydroChem Adv Air Machines Part 2 12HCAAM2  $         35.00
HydroChem Adv Air Machines Part 3 12HCAAM3  $         35.00
HydroChem Adv Hydroblasting Part 1 12HCAHB1  $         35.00
HydroChem Adv Hydroblasting Part 2 12HCAHB2  $         35.00
HydroChem Adv Liq Vacuum Tank Part 1 12HCALV1  $         35.00
HydroChem Adv Liq Vacuum Tank Part 2 12HCALV2  $         35.00
HydroChem Basic Air Machines 12HCBAM  $         35.00
HydroChem Basic Liquid Vacuum Tank 12HCBLVT  $         35.00
HydroChem Course 7 Hydroblasting Ma 12HCBLMT  $         35.00
Hydrochem Course 8 Vaccuum Maint 12HCVCMT  $         35.00
HydroChem DOT Entry Level Driver 12HCELD  $         35.00
HydroChem DOT Hazmat 12HCDTHZ  $         35.00
HydroChem DOT Hours of Service 12HCHOS  $         35.00
HydroChem DOT Pre/Post Vehicle 12HCPTVI  $         35.00
HydroChem Hazwoper I 12HCHAZ1  $         35.00
HydroChem Hazwoper II 12HCHAZ2  $         35.00
HydroChem Hazwoper III 12HCHAZ3  $         35.00
HydroChem Hydroblast Safety 12HCBLAS  $         35.00
HydroChem New Hire 12HYNH  $         35.00
HydroChem Pipe Cleaning 12HCPCN  $         35.00
HydroChem - PSC Confined Space 12HCCST  $         30.00
Hydrochem Reasonable Suspicion 12HCRS  $         35.00
HydroChem Surface Cleaning 12HCSFCN  $         35.00
HydroChem Tube Cleaning 12HCTBCN  $         35.00
HydroChem Vacuum Safety 12HCVAC  $         35.00
 Test Code  Price 
LyondellBasell Channelview Complex Site 19CVO  $         25.00
LyondellBasell Crane and Rigging Orientation 19LYBCR  $         20.00
LyondellBasell La Porte Complex Contractor Orientation  19EQULPO  $         20.00
LyondellBasell Equistar Site-Specific 03ES  $         55.00
LyondellBasell Houston Refining 19LHR  $         25.00
LyondellBasell Morris CBT 28LCC  $         25.00
 Test Code  Price 
Phillips 66 Borger Contractor Orientation 15P66BOR  $         45.00
Phillips 66 SFR Contractor Site Specific Orientation 19P66SFRC  $         25.00
Phillips 66 Sweeny Level 1 04PHM1  $         35.00
Phillips 66 Sweeny Level 2 04PHM2  $         50.00
Phillips 66 Ponca City Fall Protection 19P66PFP  $         20.00
Phillips 66 Ponca City HF Acid 19P66PHF  $         20.00
Phillips 66 Ponca City Site-Specific Low Risk 19P66PSL  $         40.00
Phillips 66 Ponca City Site-Specific High Risk 19P66PSS  $         35.00
 Test Code  Price 
SAF Asbestos 12SAFASB  $         30.00
SAF Confined Space (Awareness) 12SAFCS  $         50.00
SAF Fall Protection 12SAFFPC  $         30.00
SAF Forklift Safety 12SAFFPC  $         30.00
SAF Hazard Communication 12SAFHZC  $         30.00
SAF Lockout/Tagout 12SAFLTO  $         30.00
SAF Respiratory Protection 12SAFRES  $         50.00
SAF Scaffolding 12SAFSCF  $         30.00
 Test Code  Price 
Safety Essentials® SE-SAFE  $         35.00
Safety Essentials® Espanol SE-SAFES  $         35.00
Safety Essentials® Enhancer SE-SAFER  $         25.00
Safety Essentials® Enhancer Espanol SE-SAFERS  $         25.00
Safety Essentials® : Asbestos Awareness SE-ASBT  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Basic Gas Monitoring SE-BGM  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Basic Rigging SE-RIG  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Benzene Awareness SE-BENZ  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Bloodborne Pathogens SE-BBP  $         15.00
Safety Essentials®: Bottle Watch Attendant SE-BWTC  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Cold Stress Awareness SE-COLD  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety SE-CGCY  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Confined Space SE-CS  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Dropped Objects SE-DROP  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Electrical Safety SE-ELEC  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Elevated Work SE-ELW  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Excavation Safety SE-EXCA  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Fall Protection SE-FALL  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Fire Extinguisher Safety SE-EXTS  $         15.00
Safety Essentials®: Fire Watch SE-FIRE  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Forklift Safety SE-FORK  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Hand & Portable Tool Safety SE-HTOL  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Hazard Communication SE-HAZC  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Hearing Conservation SE-HEAR  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Heat Stress Awareness SE-HEAT  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Heavy Equipment Operator SE-HVEQ  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness SE-H2S  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Ladder Safety SE-LADD  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Line of Fire SE-LOF  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Lockout Tagout SE-LOTO  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Maritime Security Awareness SE-MARSEC  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : NORM SE-NORM  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Respiratory Protection SE-RESP  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Scaffold User SE-SCAF  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Silica Awareness SE-SIL  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Spotter Safety SE-SPOT  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Vehicle Safety SE-VEH  $         15.00
Safety Essentials® : Workplace Violence Prevention SE-WPVP  $         15.00
 Test Code  Price 
Stronghold First Line Break Fundamentals 19SUFLP  $         20.00
Stronghold - General Safety & Health Annual Refresher 19SHC  $         30.00
Stronghold - Specialty Front Line Management Training 19SHCFLM  $         35.00
Stronghold Companies Video Training Series 19SHCSVS  $         30.00
 Test Code  Price 
Total Safety New Hire HSE Orientation 19TSHSEO  $         30.00
Total Safety Respectful Workplace Training 19TSRW  $         30.00
Total Safety SSP Safety Attendant Training 19TSSSP  $         50.00
 Test Code  Price 
Turn2 Specialty Companies Annual Safety Orientation 19TURN2  $         40.00
Turn2 Specialty Companies Mechanical Assess 19T2MECH  $         30.00
Turn2 Specialty Companies Pipe Fabricator Assessment 19T2PIPE  $         30.00
Turn2 Specialty Companies Instrumentation Assessment 19T2INST  $         30.00
 Test Code  Price 
Valero Refining Site Specific - Ardmore, OK 19VRARD  $         30.00
Valero Houston Refinery Contractor Safety Orientation 19VALERO  $         35.00
Valero Corpus Christi Site Specific 03VR  $         85.00
Valero 3 Rivers Alky - CSCCB 03VTRA  $         30.00
Valero 3 Rivers-CSCCB 03VTRS  $         55.00
Valero St. Charles Refinery 08VALERO  $         35.00
Valero Memphis Site Orientation 20VLEO1  $         35.00
Valero Memphis Lockout Tagout 20VLEO2  $         30.00
Valero Memphis Confined Space 20VLEO3  $         30.00
Valero Memphis Bundle Pad Operations 20VLEO4  $         30.00
Valero Memphis LDAR Awareness 20VLEO5  $         30.00
Valero Memphis VVP Training 20VLEO7  $         25.00
Valero Memphis Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness 20H2S01  $         35.00
Valero Meraux Site Specific 08VALMX  $         40.00
Valero Port Arthur Site Specific 09VRPA  $         65.00
Valero Pipeline and Terminals Safety Orientation 19VALPT  $         20.00
Valero Texas City 07VR  $         30.00
 Test Code  Price 
Air Liquide Work Permitting Process 19ALSWP  $         20.00
Arcelormittal Safety Lead 03VA  $         25.00
Arcelormittal Site Safety Orientation 03VSSO1  $         25.00
Asbestos Awareness - CSCCB 03AWW  $         45.00
Benzene 03BZ  $         25.00
Celanese Clear Lake Safe Work 19CLPSWP  $         20.00
Chevron Pascagoula Contractors Safety Orientation Site Specific 1 08PASC01  $         45.00
Chevron Pascagoula Contractors Safety Orientation Site Specific 2 08PASC02  $         65.00
CHS Laurel Refinery Site-Specific 19CHS  $         20.00
CHS McPherson Refinery Safety Orientation 19CHSMCP  $         25.00
Contech Control Services Company-Specific 19CONCS  $         30.00
Cust-O-Fab New Employee Orientation 19COF  $         30.00
Delek BSR Orientation 14DELKBS  $         45.00
Delek Tyler Refinery Contractor Orientation 05DELEK  $         55.00
Eastman Chemical (TXO) Confined Space Permit 05TXOCS  $         50.00
Eastman Chemical (TXO) Longview Site 05TXO  $         70.00
Enterprise Products – Norco Facility 12ENTNC  $         35.00
ExxonMobil Site Orientation - Baton Rouge 12EXMOBR  $         40.00
ExxonMobil BRPP Work Permit Acceptor Training 12XOMPPA  $         25.00
Fall Protection User CBT 28FPCBT  $         30.00
Flint Hills Resource Safe Work Practices 03FHRSWP  $         25.00
Flint Hills Safety Lead 03FL  $         30.00
Flint Hills Site 03FS  $         35.00
GHS - Intro to the Globally Harmonized System 1213GHS  $         30.00
HF Sinclair Tulsa Refinery Site Orientation 19HFTRSO  $         25.00
Houston Fuel Oil Terminal Contractor Orientation 19HFOTCO  $         20.00
Hurst Construction New Hire Orientation 19HURST  $         40.00
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 03HS  $         20.00
Hytorc - Principles of Safe Bolting 12HYTORC  $         30.00
Indorama Ventures Dayton Contractor Orientation 19INDOCO  $         20.00
Indorama Ventures Dayton IT Security 19INDOIT  $         20.00
ISC Constructors New Employee Orientation 12ISCNEO  $         55.00
Life Saving Golden Rules 03LSGR  $         30.00
Marathon Illinois Refining Safety Orientation 12MARIRD  $         45.00
Marsec CSCCB 03MRSEC  $         20.00
Maxim Crane Works Safety Orientation 19MAXIM  $         30.00
Methanex Site Orientation (Geismar, LA) 12MTHNX  $         25.00
ParFab Field Services Safety Training 19PARFAB  $         40.00
Praxair Plant Specific External 07PRXAIR  $         40.00
Praxair Site Orientation Geismar 12PRAXGE  $         25.00
Safety Essentials SE-SAFE  $         45.00
Scaffold User 03SC  $         45.00
SPX Bolting Systems Hydraulic Torquing 19SPXTQ  $         30.00
Turnaround Welding Services 19TWS  $         30.00
Westlake Chemical Site Orientation 12WLKPLQ  $         35.00
Westlake Group 13WSTLKE  $         35.00
Westlake North/South Firewatch/Holewatch 13WLNSFW  $         40.00
Westlake South Site Specific 13WSTLKS  $         75.00